Message from the CEO and Founder

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15 Minute Introductory Call
with Rohn Walker

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Message from the CEO and Founder

Rohn Walker is the CEO & Founder of International Executive Technology, a management consulting firm since 1984.

Rohn-&-Team-3-(1)I would like to describe the concept behind our activities at International Executive Technology (IET). The desire of the individual business person to succeed in business is a motivation which is well-intended and seemingly simple. This individual then walks out into the world and hits a wall of confusion and chaos and ethics matters such as Enron/Arthur Anderson, setting these intentions, goals and expectations backwards or blunting their purpose.

Consider this article published by business week on-line:

“For business terminations statistics show that about half of businesses that employ people are still operating five years after they open.”

Further, in an article published by Rob Holland – Assistant Extension Specialist, Agricultural Development Center

“According to Dun & Bradstreet reports, ‘Businesses with fewer than 20 employees have only a 37% chance of surviving four years (of business) and only a 9% chance of surviving 10 years.’ Restaurants only have a 20% chance of surviving 2 years. Of these failed business, only 10% of them close involuntarily due to bankruptcy and the remaining 90% close because the business was not successful, did not provide the level of income desired or was too much work for their efforts.

“Nine out of ten business failures in the United States are caused by a lack of general business management skills and planning.” To which we can add we have the ethics issues that pull down companies and executives.

In the last thirty-one years we have seen it all. We have been able to take dreams that have been blunted and turn them into a thriving and expanding corporation. We invite you to take the complementary business analysis and contact us about your future expansion plans.

Rohn Walker
Founder and CEO

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